



The objective of the mission is to elaborate the West African economic and monetary union (WAEMU / UEMOA) regional policy for higher education, aiming at identifying the way to achieve the objectives of a high quality education system. It should create the conditions for a regional dialogue on the structural reforms to be undertaken, and consequently the establishment of a reference framework for a regional higher education policy in the WAEMU countries.

The Consultant must lead a regional dialogue on higher education policy in the WAEMU area.

Our mission

SCET-TUNISIE is in charge of:

  • Identify the way forward to achieve the quality objectives of the higher education system and suggest ways to address the structural problems of the sector and its viability in the short and medium terms
  • Create the conditions for a regional dialogue on the reforms to be initiated
  • Perform a complementary diagnosis of the higher education system in the WAEMU zone
  • Develop a comparative matrix of system performance indicators within the WAEMU region
  • Identify the structural reforms to be undertaken in order to achieve compliance with the Union's convergence criteria
  • Produce a regional policy document for higher education and university research
  • Propose short, medium and long term action programs that would add value to the higher education system
  • Propose draft Community texts to be submitted to the decision-making bodies within the WAEMU region
  • Organize a regional validation workshop of the Regional Policy for higher education