



The assignment concerns the technical assistance program for the reinforcement of the budget management functions of the Republic of Djibouti, which includes the following three components:

  • Reinforcement of the revenue forecasting skills
  • Capacity building for the preparation of the finance law
  • Capacity building for the monitoring of budget implementation


Our mission

Component 1: Budget revenues in the finance law

  • Diagnosis of the procedure and the tools used for forecasting budget revenues
  • Recommended solutions for improving the main components of revenue forecasting and assessing the degree of their application

Component 2: Preparation of the Finance Law

Component 3: Execution of the budget and implementation of a pilot experience for credit deconcentration

  • Diagnosis and analysis of the current situation (including review of procurement procedures and control of public expenditure)
  • Proposed dashboards for better budget execution
  • Follow-up on the implementation of the new tools and procedures related to budget execution monitoring
  • Evaluation of the assistance program